List of gay porn stars named leonard

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In many ways Marc created the template for the self-publicizing porn star that still exists today. He had his own fan club that sold merchandise promoting the ‘Marc Stevens’ brand, and hosted his own cable TV chat show. His mother was said to be his manager, and he famously married the first transsexual adult film star. He was known for his erotic dance troupe, and for the many wild parties he organized in New York discos. He toured college campuses, appeared on major network talk shows, and held public debates with legislators to defend sex films and sex performers – while giving contradictory interviews condemning the misogyny he experienced in heterosexual pornography. 10 ½’ (1976), and, in 19, he published two celebratory autobiographies, ‘10 ½’ and ‘Making It Big’. He was famously photographed by Robert Mapplethorpe as ‘Mr. He was a bi-sexual icon on the New York porn scene and featured in the landmark film Devil in Miss Jones (1973) – as well as a host of straight and gay movies. Marc Stevens was one of the most recognizable, larger-than-life, and flamboyant adult film performers in New York in the 1970s and 1980s.

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